Assured shorthold tenancies

The Assured Shorthold Tenancy ("AST") is the default tenancy for most dwellings in England and Wales. It is a form of assured tenancy with limited security of tenure, and an important class of residential tenancy in England and Wales.

It was introduced by the Housing Act 1988, with important changes made by the Housing Act 1996. There are also a number of exceptions set out in the Housing Act 1988 under which exclude a tenancy from being an Assured Shorthold Tenancy

Additionally, statutory rules are also in place with regards to “deposits” received under AST’s stating that Landlords must protect their tenants’ deposits using an approved Tenancy Deposit Protection scheme if they have let the property on an AST which started after 6 April 2007.

Our team of specialist solicitors can draft residential tenancy agreements on your behalf, and advise both Landlord’s and Tenants in relation to their rights relating to tenancies and tenancy deposits.

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